You Won't Believe What I Stepped On!
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you could discover the old mystic ways,
learn about Maya shamanism,
and experience real magic?
wouldn't it be cool if . . .
it's safe to believe.
come discover the magic of the ancients.
come discover the traditional magic of the Maya
where you will connect with the power of belief.
everything is magic.
I am Laura LaBrie and I spend my time in small Maya villages learning from local shamans, story keepers, artists, farmers, healers, and other members of Maya communities. These people still move in the old ways where magic is part of everyday life. They understand how everything is connected. They know the secrets of the jungles, the ways of the ancestors, and how to work with the energies of the earth and the ancient gods. They have so MUCH to teach us!
It is so exciting to spend time in Maya homes learning about the use of medicinal plants, how to do cleansings and break curses. It is such a privilege to learn from generational healers. And it is so thrilling to see, firsthand, the power of these simple people and how they can connect with mystic energies beyond our physical realm.
Join me in learning about the wisdom and magic these people have to teach us. Find power and healing.
And then come to Mexico and experience it on location!
Hugs and Butterflies,
Everything is magic.
That is to say that everything is alive, all has soul, everything is energy, and the great LOVE that is the Universe holds everything together.
Without this knowing, this deep connection to all that is, we feel alone, afraid, disconnected.
We are anxious, or depressed, and often ill.
In this modern world, we have been taught to ignore, or to not see, the magic that is inherent in everything.
This magic flows through you, the natural world, spirit realms, and other people.
The magic has not disappeared.
It is still alive and well and just waiting for you to find it.
Come with me as we delve deep into the mystical wisdom of the modern Maya people.
come connect with the magic through the gateways of
sacred places
the natural world
elemental beings
the old gods
keys to the magical gateways.
The gateways to real, powerful, mystical experiences are places, people, practices, and paranormal beings here in the Yucatan. And you CAN come to Mexico and join us in person to connect with the magic first-hand. But we have lots of other ways for you to access the mystical ways of the Maya from your own home!
Check out our 4 ways to access these magical gateways below!
learn how to make the most out of your time here.
The 9 magical threads of Maya Harmony are all connected and here you can discover how
to access the richness of this site and enrich your life!
in addition to writing books, laura has written for
Vallarta Today
Surviving Mexico
Afar Magazine
The Washington Post
The Edge Magazine
Baja News
Laura's articles are a MUST for every Baja News issue. Reader's look forward to every new adventure in Laura's Magical Mexico...guiding us through the wonders of Maya culture.
Vivian Marlene Dunbar
Editor: Baja News
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Check out the BOOK STORE where you will find Traditional Books and E-Learning to expand your experience of connecting with the lovely world of the Mayalands.
New Release!
Learn about Your DESTINY according to the Maya Calendar and find out advice you can follow to create your best life!