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13 Knife Days

March 31: 1 Etznab’ the Mirrored Knife

 Key Words: Cutting to The Core of Things

Animal: Fish

Direction: North

Color: White

Element: Air

Energy: Translucence, Clarity, Truth

Energetic Places: Waterfalls, Cenotes, Caves, Storms

Gemstone: Rhodonite


The obsidian mirror forged from volcanic glass, is the heart of Etznab.’ It brings a time to see into the heart of things, to find answers, and to predict the future. It is not always easy to see into the heart of a matter and so Etznab’ comes to you as the surgical knife, cutting away that which no longer serves you, taking away negative energy and removing both people and things that cause you anguish. He brings you the energy you need to move forward, to clear away the past, to embrace a future that is clean and whole and healthy in every way: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Etznab’ invites you to review your life, to look into the sacred mirror that comes from the depths of the earth—the volcanic mirror of black glass—and to embrace the truth that you see there. You know in your own heart what works he brings and what freedoms he brings. Allow his healing to come.


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Spend time in self-reflection

Ø  Let go of the past

Ø  Make predictions about the future

April 1: 2 Kawak the Storm


Key Words:  A Strong Woman, Domestic life, Storms and Rain

Animal: Turtle

Direction: West

Color: Blue

Element: Water

Energy: Duality, Change

Energetic Places: Pine and Cypress Forests, Mangroves

Gemstone: Jade


The storms of Kawak bring life. They water the earth. They sweep across the sea and the land washing away anything that cannot stand, anything whose foundation is not strong, and they prove your strength. Do not fear the storm, for she brings families together and fosters peace.  She invites you to turn your face to the sky and receive her wild energy and her rain and then to run into your home where you find shelter and safety.


Kawak is the power of the strong woman. She is the surety and security of domestic life. You weather the storms of life together with those you love, and you are stronger for it. You learn, you grow, you expand. When Kawak comes to you, embrace the storm. Her rain turns everything green again. Her lightnings light up the dark night. Her thunder reverberates throughout the Universe and declares success. Receive the rain. Receive prosperity. Receive what you need for your thirsty soul.


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Make your home a comfortable haven

Ø  Use your authority

Ø  Ask for prosperity

April 2: 3 Ahaw the Sun


Key Words: Illumination, Growth

Animal: Conch

Direction: South

Color: Yellow

Element: Earth

Energy: Harvest, Endings

Energetic Places: Beach front, Solar light, Sunrise, Sunset

Gemstone: Rose Quartz


The sun has come. Ahaw brings lovely light and warmth. He brings growth, illumination, and understanding. He is The Walker, the One who travels through the sky in a great circle, the One who is master of the natural world, who brings fearlessness, delivers justice, and opens the portal between worlds. When Ajaw comes to you, he brings the blessings of the ancestors, courage, and strength. He weaves his sunlight into the fabric of your reality and lights your path, bestowing knowledge and bringing clarity to things that were clouded and obscure. He fosters growth in your personal life, your relationships, and your community. Open yourself to his warmth, his peace, and his unfailing encouragement. He is the sun, Happiness, joy, and fulfillment follow as he makes his way through the sky, ever circling, ever returning, ever shining.


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Speak to and ask advice from your ancestors

Ø  Be patient and grateful

Ø  Work on building projects and your home

Ø  Face things that scare you

April 3: 4 Imix the Crocodile


Key Words: New Foundation, Stirring Waters

Animal: Crocodile

Direction: East

Color: Red

Element: Fire

Energy: Beginnings, Unity

Energetic Places: Seas, Rivers, Streams

Gemstone: Jasper


Imix, the red dragon, is the mythical crocodile who lives among the water lilies. She stirs the waters of the deep where both your intuition and your emotions reside. As a Nawal of the sea, she has the power to bring you water in all its forms, cleansing and refreshing, satisfying your thirsty soul like a spring rain. Her rushing rivers wash away negative energy that weighs you down and leaves you confused and unsure of what direction to take. Her pure and deep crystal seas bring clarity to your intuition so that you may tap into the resources you hold within yourself, unlocking both your psychic abilities and your creativity. She will show you things hidden beneath the surface and, because she reveals the things from the deep, she even can connect you to other dimensional planes. When Imix comes to you, watch for messages from energies, angels, ancestors, and spirit guides for Imix even heightens your ability to perceive that which is beyond.


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Begin creative projects

Ø  Make decisions

Ø  Contact energies in other planes

April 4: 5 Ik the Wind

Key Words: Breath of Life, Human Voice

Animal: Hummingbird

Direction: North

Color: White

Element: Air

Energy: Transparency, Clarity, Truth

Energetic Places: High Mountains, Canyons, Valleys

Gemstone: Sodalite


When Ik comes to you, he brings the breath of life. He is wind in all its forms. He can be a gentle breeze, energizing and motivating, cooling heated emotions and bringing clarity of thought. He can also be a strong gust, blowing away clouds and confusion and clearing the way for transparency, clarity and truth. Feel his energy as you breathe in. Allow an abundance of fresh, clean air to fill your lungs, clearing away the old and inspiring the new. Expect new creative ideas and fresh inspiration to come to you.


Ik is also the air you breathe out when you speak. Speak from your heart. The energy is here for your voice to be heard. Speak your truth. Express your emotions. Be fully yourself and don’t hold back. Ik is the power of the wind as it comes both into you and out from you. Breathe in. Breathe out. Find completeness.


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Release anger and distressing emotions

Ø  Say what you think

April 5: 6 Ak'bal the Night

Key Words: Finding Answers Within, Darkness Before the Dawn, Night

Animal: Bat

Direction: West

Color: Blue

Element: Water

Energy: Duality, Change

Energetic Places: Caves, Valleys, Dawn, Dusk

Gemstone: Obsidian


Ak’bal is the Night House, the darkest time right before the dawn. When Ak’bal comes, she brings access to the underworld. Ask her to bring light into places that have long been dark. She reveals things that have been hidden, unlocks secrets, and brings light to uncover the underlying causes of problems. She helps you get to the heart of things. She will protect you from lies and hidden agendas. She reveals the motivations, thoughts, and emotions of others, giving you power to see into the hearts of those around you.


Ak’bal also brings to light matters of the heart. She revels in revealing hidden love. If you secretly love someone, her energy is now here to help you express your feelings. And if someone is secretly in love with you, you can expect them to declare how they are feeling.


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Light a fire at sunrise or sunset

Ø  Ask for revelation of hidden things


April 6: 7 K'an the Net

Key Words: Gathering, Collecting, Abundance

Animal: Spider

Directions: South

Color: Yellow

Element: Earth

Energy: Harvest, Endings

Energetic Places: Sea, Jungle, Farm fields, Gardens

Gemstone: Citrine


K’an is the Lord of Corn. He is represented by four seeds. Four is the number of stability and the seeds are a picture of wealth. He comes to you today with abundance in all areas of your life, bringing harvest energy in your finances, relationships, personal life, and spirituality. Now is the time to receive what you have long been working and waiting for. You are growing and maturing in all areas and K’an is bringing you the energy you need to step into a place of true success. If you owe anything, you will finally pay off all your debts. That includes getting free in ALL areas of your life. Financial freedom is here for you. So are freedom and reconciliation in your relationships and in your personal life, along with igniting a flame in your spiritual life. K’an’s abundance brings you to a secure place where you have everything you need and are also in a position to help others. Your answers are here!


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Work magic

Ø  Make things right for your highest good and the highest good of others

April 7: 8 Chikchan the Feathered Serpent

Key Words: Justice, Peace, Truth, Framer of The Universe

Animal: Snake

Direction: East

Color: Red

Element: Fire

Energy: Beginnings, Unity

Energetic Places: Beach, Mountains, Starry night

Gemstone: Amethyst


Chikchan is the Great Sky Serpent, The Feathered Serpent, The Cosmological Snake, The Framer and Shaper of the Universe. Chikchan comes to you with the wisdom of the ages which he pours out on the earth to strengthen, protect, and heal all those who come with petitions. The Great Sky Serpent is wrapped in justice, peace, and truth. When you come to him, he will hide you in his wings. The Cosmological Snake only asks that you put aside anger, jealousy, and hate. Come and ask for wisdom and it will gladly be granted. Request knowledge and you will be rewarded with it. Petition for justice and he will uphold your cause. Ask for peace and your heart and mind will be flooded with it. The Framer and Shaper of The Universe will take away all your fears and set your entire being at ease. He is the healer of all, so request your healing and he will infuse your body, mind, and soul with health and well-being.


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Seek justice

Ø  Ask for healing

Release anger and jealousy

April 8: 9 Kimi Lord of Death

Key Words: Transformation, Change

Animal: Owl

Direction: North

Color: White

Element: Air

Energy: Transparency, Clarity, Truth

Energetic Places: Temples, Ceremonial Places, Fireplace

Gemstone: Carnelian


Kimi comes to bring transformation. He is the Lord of Death, a Lord of The Underworld. But do not fear him, for he brings both endings and beginnings. For something new to begin, something old must end. Change is constant and the circle of life is ever-turning. You grow from one stage of perfection to another. You transform again and again, coming ever closer to your goals and dreams. Kimi facilities your growth, letting you know when it is time to end one cycle that you might begin another.


Sometimes, when Kimi comes to you, he comes to bring a message from your ancestors. They are always with you, hovering about you, watching over you, and caring for you. Ask Kimi to reveal the message they bring because it is a message that is for your highest good.


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Propose marriage or get married

Ø  Remember your ancestors

Ø  Restore broken relationships

Ø  Finish projects and tie up loose ends

April 9: 10 Manik the Deer

Key Words: Balance, Support

Animal: Deer

Direction: West

Color: Blue

Element: Water

Energy: Change, Duality

Energetic Places: Forests, Woodlands, Mountains

Gemstone: Amazonite


Manik is the force that carries the destinies of humankind. She is the Lord of The Hunt and her sacred number is four. She is the four legs of the deer, being strong and stable and bringing you balance and support. She brings so much support that her energy holds up the four corners of the earth and supports the sky! When Manik comes to you, you can be assured that you can rest. You can allow yourself to fall into her capable hands and she will catch you. As Lord of the Hunt, she is the One Who Catches. She will hold you. In her, you will find balance and security. Your very destiny is carried in her. Follow Manik into the wild places and rest there with her. She will draw you back to nature, back to the foundations of creation, of life, and of learning. She will re-connect you with the power that is held deep within the elements that you might find your own inner strength and learn to stand both with her and in her as you master balance and come into sync with the vibrations of creation itself.


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Spend time in nature

Ø  Meet with your spirit guides and earthly teachers

April 10: 11 Lamat the Seed

Key Words: Fertility, Venus, Flower

Animal: Rabbit

Direction: South

Color: Yellow

Element: Earth

Energy: Harvest, Endings

Energetic Places: Forests, Rivers, Lakes, Highlands

Gemstone: Hematite


Lamat brings the lovely energy of newness, creation, abundance, and fertility. Her color is gold like the four golden corn seeds, the sweet golden sugar cane, and the golden brilliance of Venus, the Morning Star. When Lamat comes to you, she fosters new friendships and causes new romantic relationships to bloom. She also births new ideas and pours out the rich and bounteous energy needed to plant flowers, begin creative projects, and start new businesses. She is the lover and the bringer of the new child and she encourages you to gaze up at the stars, contemplate the vastness of the universe, and consider the abundance of life as it cycles through the four seasons. She holds prosperity in her hand and offers it to you like a profusion of glorious golden flowers!


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Begin new relationships

Ø  Start a new business or project

Ø  Feed the poor

Ø  Plant flowers

Ø  Star gaze and think about the universe

April 11: 12 Muluk the Moon

Key Words: Make Offerings, Give Sacrifices

Animal: Shark

Direction: East

Color: Red

Element: Fire

Energy: Beginnings, Unity

Energetic Places: Beach, Big Rocks

Gemstone: Lapis Lazuli


Muluk brings with her the mysterious and feminine energy of the moon. Beautiful and dark and an aspect of the water deities, she is often found reflecting in the oceans and seas where her intuitive energy is magnified, and her emotional intelligence is heightened. She is compassionate, wishing an end to all suffering and the alleviation of pain. Her desire is not just an end to the suffering of people, but an end to the suffering of animals and of the earth herself too. When Muluk comes to you, ask her to bring the dark things to light and the deep things to the surface. Bring her sacrifices and give her offerings and she will bring you the ability to see clearly in the dim airs of the night so that you might make good decisions and avoid mistakes. She will illuminate your path with her silver and transcendental light


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Give offerings to the moon and the sea

Ø  Ask for dark things to come to light

Ø  Work to end suffering

Ø  Pay off debts

April 12: 13 Ok the Dog

Key Words: Guide, Friendship, Fidelity

Animal: Dog

Direction: North

Color: White

Element: Air

Energy: Transparency, Clarity, Truth

Energetic Places: Mountains, Beaches, The Natural World

Gemstone: Bloodstone


Ok is the one who guides the night sun through the Underworld. He is a faithful and expert pathfinder, teacher, and advisor. When Ok comes to you, he brings faithful friendship that will stand by you through thick and thin and bring you through the dark places and into the light. Seek his counsel and he will gladly give it. Because he is the Nawal of both material and spiritual justice, you can be sure that the energy is now available for you to ask for the justice you have been waiting for.


Ok is a loyal friend, devoted to standing by you and committed to helping you receive the answers you need. Ask him to reveal hidden truths for he has walked through the Underworld and he knows its secrets.


Today is a good day to:

Ø  Seek good counsel

Ø  Look for hidden truth

Ø  Dispense and receive justice

Ø  Ask for the prevention of poverty and misfortune

Ø  Speak your truth

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