oracle card readings.
find out what the cards want to tell you
how it works.
discover the message the universe has for you
Decide which reading you would like. Use the button to purchase your reading. Then FOLLOW THE CONTACT LINK Carefully write in what you would like to know about, what your question is. This is not really designed for yes/no questions. If you don't know how to phrase your question, just explain what you would like to know about and I will put it into an appropriate question for you. I will draw the cards and interpret them based on your question. Then I will take a photo of the cards and email it to you along with a detailed explanation and some suggestions about how you can apply the information to your life!
choose one of these 4 powerful readings
2 Card
Maya Day God
5 Card
Maya Cross
8 Card
Virtues of Divine Power
13 Card
Magical Wave
a simple answer to your question
2 card sacred day.
Day God and Cosmic Energy
Based on the Tzolk'in Sacred Mayan Calendar
Two cards are drawn and read together as one.
Together they form a single energy that will help bring you direction.
This powerful and very focused reading is based on ancient wisdom of the Tzolk'in. The first card is drawn from the 20 Lords of the Day (similar to the Major Arcana is Tarot). They are the gods of the sacred Maya calendar that was written for us that we might know who to live in harmony. This card tells you what energy/Lord of the Day is the advice or answer in your situation. The second card is drawn from the 13 energies of the sacred Tzolk'in and adds color to the Lord of the Day to bring you a powerful yet simple and defined reading.
Its simplicity allows this reading to be very clear and easy to understand!
The cards are laid in a cross with the Day God vertical and the Cosmic Wave Card horizontal
The 2 cards representing the energies as follows:
1. Maya Day God - The answer to your question
2. Magical Energy Wave - How the energy is moving
5 card Maya cross.
the 5 point cross is central to the cosmovision of the Maya!
The Maya cross is the four points of the cross plus the center. It represents the four energies that govern our lives and the center where we find balance and where we find our place in the world. The cards in this reading reflect the four energies of the cross: Beginnings, Clarity, Change, and Endings/ Harvest and the card in the center is where you find balance, it is YOU!
If you want to learn more about this important symbol, you can LEARN MORE HERE
The cards are laid in a quincunx, which looks like a diamond with a point in the center and is the most powerful symbol of the Maya!
The 5 cards represent the energies as follows:
1. You
2. What is just beginning
3. What is clear/present
4. What is changing
5. What you are harvesting/outcome
8 card virtues of divine power.
a comprehensive look into how you are doing!
8 Card Virtues of Divine Power
The 7 Divine Virtues encompass the Four Elements (fire, air, water, & earth) and center,
Heart of Sky, Heart of Earth and the extra Card is YOU!
The 7 Virtues are the Creator Gods and the Creation. The four elements and center are the quincunx, the most powerful symbol of the Maya. They are the four cardinal directions/the four energies/ the four elements and the center is your path to ascension, it is what path will bring you to center. Card number 6 is you and how you are feeling or what energy is strong in you in regard to this reading. Heart of Sky and Heart of Earth were there at the beginning of all things and are here now to guide you too!
The cards are laid in a quincunx (four points and the center) with three cards on the side
with the 8 cards representing the energies as follows:
1. Fire - What drives you
2. Air - What you think about
3. Water - Your emotions
4. Earth - What you need to get grounded
5. Center - Your path to ascension
6. You - The energy you are in at present
7. Heart of Sky - Your heavenly guardian
8. Heart of Earth - Your earthly guardian
13 cosmic wave energies circle.
a comprehensive look into how you are doing!
The Sacred Tzolk'in is a combination of 20 Day Gods and 13 Magical or COSMIC ENERGIES. The two work in tandem to create the whole of the human calendar. This reading taps into the wisdom cycle of the 13 Cosmic Energies! These are the energies that govern our lives in a cyclical fashion, similar to the wheel of fortune, spinning and changing and bringing us through a process of evolution. Each number on the wheel has a specific energy and this reading will show you how your life is aligning with these energies. It is a wonderful way to get a snapshot of how things are going in your life at present and also shows you where your point of ascension is!
The cards are laid in a circle with the 13 cards representing the energies as follows: