Tzolk'in life path readings.
how is your path?
bix a bel?
discover your life path
Bix a bel is a formal Maya greeting.
It means, "How is your path?"
When the local people greet each other, instead of just saying hello
they are asking each other, "How is your life-path?"
how is your path?
how it works.
come into alignment and see your life change
Discover your Maya Calendar Birth Sign
Learn about your Personality, your Past, and your Potential
& Find out what Energies want to work with you!
Maya Birth Chart Readings are based on the Sacred Tzolk'in Calendar. There are 20 signs and 13 levels.
That makes 260 Unique Combinations!
Birth Charts can be Extensive!
After discovering which of the 260 unique combinations is YOU,
you can find out LOTS of other things.
The Maya birth charts hold so much wisdom for your life!
current energy
tree of life

discover your current energy profile.
enlighten your way now!
This reading shows you what energy you are moving in right now! It includes two signs, your birth sign and the sign associated with your place in life right now. It includes the magical energy wave numbers for both signs. Then it shows you how to read the two signs together to get a detailed picture of what energies are at work in your life. It describes your personality in more depth, shows you what to watch out for, and highlights your future potential. It also includes an activity for you to do to get more in touch with how the Tzolk'in energy is at work in your life!
this reading includes 7 points
Your Maya Tzolk'in Birth Sign
The Magical Wave Energy for Your Birth Sign
Your Birth Sign Personality Profile
(Things to watch out for & Your Potential)
Your Current Energy Sign
The Magical Wave Energy for Your Current Energy
Current Energy Personality Profile
(Things to watch out for & Potential)
$39 USD
Remember to email me your request AND
your birthdate DAY / MONTH / YEAR

your tree of life.
the sacred quincunx
The Tree of Life (best value!) starts with your Maya Tzolkin Birth Sign along with a description of your personality traits, things to watch out for, and what your potential is. Then it adds your Elder Sign to take a peek into your future, your Youth Sign to better understand your past, and the two Helpers that match your current energy profile. The helpers advise you on what actions to take to best reach your potential and how to best approach your emotions and relationships. Then it adds magical energy wave readings to every stage of the Tree of Life reading. The magical energy wave numbers give you information about the power of each sign and the helpers. In addition, it also reveals which of the 4 sacred cardinal directional energies want to work with you and provides you with instructions for a ritual you can do to ask the energies to work with you!
this reading includes 15 points
Your Birth Sign
Birth Sign Personality Profile
birth sign Things to Watch Out For & Potential
Your Youth Sign
Youth Sign Personality Profile (Things to Watch out for & Potential)
Your Elder Sign
Elder Sign Personality Profile (Things to Watch out for &Potential)
Your Current Energy Action Helper
Your Current Energy Feeling Helper
Magical Wave Energies for All 5 signs above
Your Sacred Cardinal Direction Energy
A Ritual to Help You Ask the Energies to Work with You!
$52 USD
Remember to email me your request AND
your birthdate DAY / MONTH / YEAR

your constellation.
your full birth-chart
The Constellation Reading reveals your guides! It has everything the Tree of Life Reading has, plus it also adds 4 additional glyphs to your chart . You can really delve into understanding how to best approach actions and emotions throughout your life, during all its phases, from youth to adult to elder, with the revelation of all 6 of your helpers (the Tree of Life Reading only includes 2). The Constellation Reading is the most complete reading for an individual and shows you how to achieve your potential in life! It shows you how to avoid mistakes and find success. Knowing your guides is essential to knowing how to best approach life's challenges and what actions to take to get you where you really want to be!
this reading includes 26 points!
Your Birth Sign
Personality Profile/Things to Watch out for/Potential
Adult Action & Feeling Helpers
Youth Sign
Personality Profile/Things to Watch out for/Potential
Youth Action & Feeling Helpers
Elder Sign
Personality Profile/Things to Watch out for/Potential
Elder Action & Feeling Helpers
9 Magical Wave Energies
Your Sacred Cardinal Direction Energy
Your Trecena Lord
Your 2 Guardians
Ritual to Ask for Help from Your Cardinal Direction Energy
$113 USD
Remember to email me your request AND
your birthdate DAY / MONTH / YEAR
your relationship.
your energies entwined
The Relationship Reading is a composite/dual reading! It is a combination of two people's life-path readings. It begins with your birth sign and personality traits and the second persons birth sign and traits and then creates a composite of the two to reveal the birth sign and personality traits of your relationship!
It will show you everything you need to know about the potential of the relationship and the ways you can work together to achieve the best possible outcome! A composite reading can help with love, business, friendship, parent/child relationships or any other relationships you want to know about. It is a powerful tool to help you achieve your best together!
this reading includes 29 points!
Your Birth Sign
Personality Profile/Things to Watch out for/Potential
2nd Person's Birth Sign
Personality Profile/Things to watch out for/Potential
The Relationship Sign
Relationship Traits/ Things to Watch out for/Potential
The Relationship Past Sign
Traits/ Things to Watch out for/Potential
The Relationship Future Sign
Traits/ Things to Watch out for/Potential
The Relationship Current Action Helper
The Relationship Current Feeling Helper
The Relationship Past Action Helper
The Relationship Past Feeling Helper
The Relationship Future Action Helper
The Relationship Future Feeling Helper
9 Magical Wave Energies
Relationship Sacred Cardinal Direction
The Relationship's 2 Guardians
A Ritual to Connect you to Your Cardinal Direction Energy
$152 USD
Remember to email me your request AND
BOTH birthdates DAY / MONTH / YEAR