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stories of the magical life of the Maya
Learn about Magic, Shamanism, Supernatural Beings, Sacred Sites, Ceremony, Meditations, Food, Maya Life and Giving Back. The supernatural weaves itself through everything here, all is connected, all is alive.

4 min read
A Lost Mayan Book of Prophecy?
The edges of the pages are tattered, and the writing is faded, but within its covers lie herbal remedies, astrological forecasts, prayers, a

3 min read
Rare Photos of a Magical Mayan Creature!
These photos are of something so mystical, magical, and rare! Earlier this year we traveled to a spectacular cenote called Suytun just...

5 min read
The Center of the Maya World and a Powerful Entity
I stood at the altar at the center of the world. It was a simple church . . .

2 min read
Ancient Maya Gold and a Powerful Spell
There is a cenote, or freshwater sink hole, in a small village in Yucatan with a long and sordid past. It is across the street from the...

4 min read
A Strange Fog and Mayan Carvings on Catholic Churches
While exploring the ruins of an old Catholic church in the Maya pueblo of Piste, in Yucatan, Max and I made an amazing discovery. The...

3 min read
Surprising New Details About Aluxes!
On my last visit to see Francisco, my shaman friend, I was so happy to gain more insight into the life of the alux! Just when you think...

2 min read
New Discovery: A Supernatural Animal Guardian!
I just learned there is an entity that guards the animals! On our last trip to see Francisco, my lovely friend and local Maya healer, we...

4 min read
A Maya Birthday Party
Have you ever been to a Maya birthday party? One of the things I love most about living on the Yucatan Peninsula and spending time with...

3 min read
Ancient Shape-Shifting Beings
A yui chivo (pronounced why chibo) is a shape shifter. I am still gathering information/stories about them, but so far, here is my basic

4 min read
A Maya Cleansing Ceremony
I sat on the little silver-painted stool in the middle of the room, having agreed to a cleansing by Francisco, the herbatero (Maya shaman)

4 min read
How to Manifest a Maya Shaman
A white pillar candle burned on a green wooden table surrounded by a few herbs and a plastic bottle with a bright green liquid in it.

5 min read
Meet Francisco: A Humble Shaman
Like an enthusiastic teacher, Don Francisco captured our attention one at a time as he let us look through the stone at each other.

5 min read
Story-Teller Tapes Finally Translated!
Excerpts from the translated tapes of the Maya story-teller.

3 min read
Ak Na'am & The Guardian: Two New Entities
We discovered the existence of another entity that lives in the fields and forests of Yucatan. Francisco, our shaman friend and guide,...

3 min read
Tales of Hidden Maya Gold
They found gold. It seems to be a common theme in the local folklore (possibly true) stories of the Maya. In every story I have heard

3 min read
Shaman and Shape-Shifter
It’s called a yui (pronounced “why”). It is a shapeshifter. It was causing trouble, but before I can tell you the story about it, I have...

4 min read
Are Cenote Dragons Real?
So, in my mind I imagined him. I pictured him usually as red with silver-sequined sparkles or sometimes as transparent, almost invisible.

3 min read
Moving Stones: A Modern Mystic & An Ancient Mystery
The following takes places in two different locations (Kaua and Chumpon), at two different times (October 2019 and November 2018), and...

4 min read
The Faerie Tales are Real and They Hold the Key to Happiness
I want to talk about the connection between spiritual mysteries and happiness. While it may seem that poking around in the jungle looking...

4 min read
Xtabay: The Goddess & A Mystery Tree
We stood at the bend in a path amidst the ruins of ancient temples in the jungle. Before us stood a tree. A tree with an eye—a crying...
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