We were escorted by butterflies.
It was a long ride deep into the jungle down a road that eventually turned to clay. Occasionally we stopped to allow the bright blue and black and yellow and white butterflies to stop their drinking in the puddles and fly up into a cloud like so many fairies. (see the video link above)

When it was safe for us to pass without running over thirsty winged-creatures, they thanked us by leading the way deeper into the jungle. They flew ahead of us and all around us. I reached my hand out the window and could nearly touch the ones who flew beside us–a fairy-fly escort into a magical place.
What was our destination?
An “undiscovered” Maya ruins site, still lost to time, unknown to anyone but the owners of the land and a few guests. The exact location? Secret.
We arrived at the owner’s house, a small, traditional Maya cabin.

I got out of the SUV and just stood there, taking in the scent of earth and feeling the energy of the place. It felt like excitement, and secrets, and something very, very old. My host showed me the living area. It’s completely off the grid and the water comes from a well that goes down into the cenotes below the surface.

Limestone was everywhere. They used it to build walkways and encircle trees. The entire area is over a vast system of underground-water filled caves. I was a bit nervous and very careful watching my step because small holes into the caverns below seemed to be everywhere.
This one had a bit of wood to mark its presence, but none of the others had anything like this. Many of them were at the base of large trees, probably because the tree roots provided a place for water to trickle through the porous rock over the years and eventually create a portal to the world below. I have heard that places with a lot of limestone have very high energy and places with a lot of water also have very high energy. Maybe the combination of the two is part of the reason the area feels so bright.

After showing me around the living area, my host took me out to see the ruins. Right now, the thirteen mounds look like big piles of rocks and no-one knows what lies beneath. Just to put it in perspective before I show you the photos, this is what the Temple of the Warriors at Chichen Itza looked like in 1925, before it was excavated.

And this is what it looks like today. A team of archaeologists removed the rubble and dirt and trees and THIS is what was hiding beneath!

I wonder what is lying beneath the rubble here…

The location is secret and there is no plan to remove the debris. The site is to remain, for now, as it is.
Here is another ruin. I climbed this one. There are the remains of barely distinguishable stairs and on top there is a circle of stones.
I have no idea what lies beneath, but I do know it feels happy and ancient and full of life.
Allowing questions to remain answer-less,